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TOADS conducts courses that offer you and your dog a structured introduction to the fun sport of agility in an environment that is both safe and fun. All courses will be based on positive training methods. The handler will be taught to shape their dog’s behaviour by using a system of rewards. The most common rewards used are food and toys. Any activity that your dog enjoys can be used as a form of reward. Remember to bring your dog’s favourite toy along. This form of reward based training can also be used to teach your dog’s tricks or obedience. We will teach you to “mark” a correct behaviour from your dog using a clicker (provided at the first lesson). So where you would normally say “good dog” we will use a click and then reward. The clicker is more neutral than our voice and it is consistent. After the dog has learned the behaviour we start to ask for more repetitions before clicking and rewarding. This acts to wean down the dependence on food for the performance of the desired behaviour.

The classes will give you:

  • The knowledge and skills needed to educate your dog using positive reinforcement
  • Handling skills required to navigate your dog around an agility course
  • A better relationships with your dog


Your dog will have fun and learn:

  • How to learn
  • Basic foundation behaviours needed to perform the obstacles in sports such as agility, Frisbee and flyball
  • Tricks such as beg, rollover, back up, speak and many others!

All levels and interests are catered for with the following classes on offer.


All classes require participants to be a member of TOADS before attending. Single TOADS membership is $15 whilst a family membership is $25.


In 2009 TOADS introduced a pre-agility training class called Tadpoles. This class was initially introduced to cater for dogs younger than 12 months of age to allow them to become involved in agility prior to reaching 12 months of age. The aim of this class is to teach some of the foundation behaviours needed to participate in the sport of agility and ensure a smoother transition to the more involved obstacle focused training classes. Since this time it has been identified that it would be useful to ensure that all dogs, not just those younger than 12 months, spend a period of time in this class to ensure that they possess these same foundation behaviours. All new members wishing to undertake the Beginners and Novice classes who have not been involved in agility previously will be required to enrol initially in the Tadpoles class.

The instructors have identified some basic skills that are required prior to moving onto the Beginners class and these will be discussed with you at your first class. The amount of time spent in the class will be influenced by your dogs existing skill set, your willingness to participate in the training exercises and when the next Beginners class is scheduled to start. You will be supplied with a training manual to help you and your dog work towards attaining the necessary skills set required to advance to the next training class.

Equipment and training exercises used in this class will be age appropriate. The training will be looking to develop a confident dog that has a strong relationship with their handler through the use of reward based training. Classes run from 6:30-7:30 p.m.


To enrol in this course your dog must be older than 12 months and have obtained the pre-requisite skills in Tadpoles class. The 8 week Beginner Course will introduce additional obstacles and expand on the handling techniques you will have already started to develop during your time in Tadpoles. Classes run from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Proposed commencement dates for the Beginners class are listed under the News and Events tab of the web-site.


For those of you who are bitten by the agility bug there is the option to undertake the 6 week Novice Course after the Beginners Course. These 6 weeks will see the remainder of the agility obstacles introduced and introduce more complex handling manoeuvres. Classes run from 6:30-7:30 p.m.


The Advanced Class is for those who have completed the Beginners and Novice Courses or for people who are already competing in Agility and whose dogs are able to successfully complete 8 weave poles. Ideally dogs will also be happy working on either side of the handler and have been exposed to all/most of the standard Agility obstacles. This class will reinforce behaviours already learnt and teach advanced handling skills. Handlers generally split into 3 groups roughly governed by height classes and rotate at timed intervals through the training exercises provided. Class commences at 7:30 p.m.


In 2008 TOADS commenced Frisbee training and held their first Competition. Frisbee training takes place the first and third Thursday of every month from 8 p.m. onwards. Some of the skills taught include: getting your dog interested in the Frisbee, teaching the dog to catch the Frisbee in a safe manner and return it promptly to the handler and throwing techniques. There are also a variety of games and activities such as Toss & Fetch and Freestyle Frisbee that our trainers will be teaching foundation behaviours for which should ultimately enable participants to enter the various Frisbee Competitions scheduled for throughout the year.

Fly ball

In March 2010 TOADS will commence Fly ball training of a Thursday evening. Details in regards to this are still being finalised. Please feel free to contact the Class co-ordinator or Club President for further information.

When can training with TOADS start?

To participate in the Beginners, Novice or Advanced Courses your dog must be 12 months of age and have undertaken the necessary pre-requisite course. If you have a particularly large dog you may wish to delay starting agility training in the Beginners and Novice classes until they are a little older (perhaps 15-18 months of age). Even though your dog may jump around like a mad thing at home the type of training we do is repetitive and can place stress on growing joints and developing muscle tissue. We don’t want your best friend to be at risk of developing problems such as arthritis or ligament damage in later life. To take part in Tadpoles and Frisbee classes your dog should be a minimum of 16 weeks of age and have completed their preliminary vaccinations.

How obedient does my dog need to be?

Much of the training you will undertake in the Beginners & Novice Courses requires your dog to be off-lead at times. You need to be able to trust your dog to stay close and focused on you when off-lead and to come when called. Ideally your dog will be well socialised around other dogs. That being said much of the training we undertake will enhance your dog’s general level of responsiveness, social skills and obedience. Reward based training applied with consistency will help to build a strong relationship with your dog. Long lines will be available for use in all classes as required. Your instructors will help to determine when these may be needed.

How fit do I need to be to participate in the various dog sports?

There is no specific level of fitness required for handlers. Handlers come in all shapes and sizes and ages. If you are over 10 years of age and able to run short distances you will be able to enjoy the variety of activities offered by TOADS. It is far more important that your dog be fit and healthy. Being overweight can place extra strain on joints and supportive structures. Please don’t be offended if it is suggested that your dog could do with losing a few pounds. Remember that any food rewards that your dog receives as part of their training should count as part of their daily food allowance. Please don’t feed your dog just before coming to training. This serves two purposes. Firstly, the dog will be less likely to be troubled by bloat and secondly, they will be much more responsive to the reinforcements offered if their belly isn’t full.

How much do each of the activities cost?

Once they are members participants in the Tadpoles class pay a weekly training fee of $5/person and are encouraged to purchase a clicker for $4 on their first night of training. You may either purchase a tug toy from TOADS for the cost of $3 or alternatively bring your own with you.

Course fees for Beginners and Novice classes are payable in full on the first night of the course.

The 8 week Beginners course costs $80 and includes a set of 4 weave poles and course handouts. There are no on-going weekly fees once the initial course cost has been payed.

The Novice Course costs $60 for a 6 week course. Once again there are no on-going weekly fees. It should be noted that participants often spend longer than 6 weeks in this course. After the 6 weeks of the course you have paid for has elapsed you will be required to pay a $5 fee per night you attend the training class until you graduate to the Advanced class.

At present people participating in the Advanced Class pay a $3 training fee for any night they attend. This class focuses on handling manoeuvres and fine tuning obstacle performance.

You will need to pay a $3 fee for Frisbee and a $5 fee for Fly ball training.

What do I need to bring to class?

  • Your dog
  • A flat collar or halter (no check chains allowed)
  • A lead
  • Lots of yummy treats- a bum bag or snap lock bag in your pocket are favourite ways of ensuring treats are easily accessed
  • Toy (ball, tug toy, kong, squeaky toy, etc)
  • Frisbee for those in the Frisbee class- the Club has a variety of discs for sale
  • Ball for those wanting to undertake Fly ball training
  • A water bowl and water
  • Bags to clean up after your dog
  • A willingness to listen and attempt the suggested exercises
  • Mossie spray if you’re prone to getting bitten

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